Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Elderly man and young woman

A relationship between an elderly man and a young woman can be a very rewarding thing for both of them.  Yes, it may include a lot of sex, but should not exclusively rely on sex.  The intellectual experience of a man who has lived through many difficult situations in a long life and has thought much about whatsoever had importance during it, can be as good for her as the feeling of her healthy young body for him. A prerequisite might be that the man still has physical and mental  force which now happens more often than in former times.
The legal requirements must be observed, usually meaning the woman is not younger than 18 years. But most societies nevertheless condemn such a couple. Thereby the only real problems are created. The actual deep gap between the generations enforces this behavior. The prohibition originates from the times when there still existed a big hazard for the woman to get pregnant what nowadays can be avoided with­out difficulties. Thus the situation has changed profoundly. In our times it is more recom­men­dable for her to wait without getting children in order to have time for the much pro­longed period of studying and finding a decent professional position equivalent to men. This may very well be eased by the intellectual and intimate help of the man.
Of course, there are also quite a number of really dirty men who just by their financial power buy the sexual pleasures. It seems such behavior is more prevalent between businessmen than between persons mainly having cultural interests. Young woman should learn to screen men according to such criteria and to select those who will give them as much as they selves are giving them. But this also has not to be kind of a business. It means learning what love indeed may be, and an exper­ienced and, in addition, honest man is likely to know this better than she already does. The most difficult and important subject to learn is to find out who is cheating, and at the same time not to fall into the trap of cheating oneself.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


1. Freedom And Paradise

Building fences instead of enjoying freedom and paradise, - that is what people do and what makes us sad. But can there be a paradise without fences ? The rumor would spread that there is a paradise, and everybody would come and alone by coming in masses destroy the paradise. It would be necessary to limit the freedom of the people.
Is it at all possible to have a paradise ? Yes, we know there are happy moments in life when we feel like in a paradise. But that kind of paradise always appears as a secret, seems to be limited, - limited in space, in time, in all its dimensions which as well may be spiritual, go into the realms of arts or extend into the intellectual seemingly infinite spaces of sciences.
Thus limit the communication ? Not tell anybody that here is a paradise ? Oh yeah ! That is what mischievous people are doing. They put Michail Khodorkovsky and Julian Assange into jail. They go alone somewhere into the desert or the woods and give a shit on other people. Let the others care for themselves, and if they are in a bad situation, what does it matter to us ? It is the end of social life.
Or the same for everybody ? Communism in a general sense, not just concerning the economy and maybe still the ecology ? General boredom would spread out, laziness, and no desire to do something special would come up. Would they at least have full freedom ? Oh no ! All that alienates them too much from their neighbors would be considered suspicious, would not be allowed, and to detect, it must be spied out. Corruption and suppression must be the consequences.
Do we seem to have only the choice between limited communication or limited material realization in life ? That sounds familiar to modern ears. Is not communication something referring to energy ? Is the problem only expression of the old contrast between energy and materia which reigns everywhere in the universe ? But knowing this, we immediately keep in mind that the essential thing is transforma­tion between both of them, generating all and everything else what can be found in this world.
The final question just would be whether we can find full freedom and the desired paradise in trans­forming material things into energy or information, or to produce material goods by using energy and information. This may be nice at the beginning, but like everything this process tends to accelerate and almost for sure must end in an explosion. Call it war, call it supernova, call it annihilation, - it always must be destructive.
Constructivism and deconstructivism, - are they the labels of the world seen with such eyes ? It is all only oscillation and transformation, nobody has ever seen something to be generated out of nothing, and also all what apparently is destroyed, lives on in form of energy and information. Kneel down, here begins religion ! And immediately somebody will come and cry: It is all esoteric bullshit !
And other people will castigate you by saying you are destroying their paradise and freedom.

2. Meeting the Perfect Person

The perfect person – an impossibility ?
We know our own mistakes only too well. Thus look around ! Oh what marvelous nice young women may cross our way ! A beautiful body like in a dream, eyes of the color we like, also the hair, all looking healthy and with harmonious proportions , flawless breasts of ideal size, - oh what else should be mentioned ?
Of course ! The disarming natural appearance of this being crossing the way necessarily must be mentioned. Every moment the exactly right smiling in the face, charming as it could not be more, agile, tanned by the sun, - no mistake can be discovered !
What to do ? Immediately winning this person for oneself, putting with her ten thousand children into the world, and thus improving it ? Keep smiling ! Should be much easier just by cloning. But will all the ten thousand identical children also be so outrageously beautiful and attractive ?
Of course not ! They would lack the natural appearance of this fairy-like being which certainly is a product of her individual education, at least to a large extent. And when we talk about the natural, what is the nature of this flower ? Her surroundings, to which she seems fitted the best possible way.
But does this nature, meaning essentially her present surroundings, always remain the same ? It can change all of a sudden, quite different qualities may be required. Will this flower there develop in an equally beautiful way ?
And how will look this beauty in thirty or sixty years ? All beautiful flowers seem to have a relentless short life, and woe be to us, if they are cut off by sharp scissors or put into the wrong soil ! Will she become an upright house-wive or a shriveled old woman ? Oh life is cruel ! Can we enjoy it only for seconds ?
Nature adopted for choosing only the procedure of mutation and selection. Did also this procedure develop itself by the same way ? And is it the best possible way ? Pooh, - it seems so cruel and probably is it. Is nature cruel ?